• VIN no. and QR code

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    VIN no. and QR code marking for recognition use after painting.

    Vehicle Identification number have to be marked deeply (0.2mm~0.3mm) which can be recognized after painting. Current marking method on the chassis is scribing machine by Diamond pin but the expenses for maintenance and equipment of these kind of machines have been increasing constantly.
    But these kind of machines still can be used on the production line because there`s no improvement of it.

    The expense for maintenance and equipment will be also increased although it was marked deeper (0.2mm~0.3mm) by another advance technology called "High-power laser beam" because establishment charge of this machine will be increased and marking device will be complexed and marking process won`t be simple

    Jeil Mtech Co.,Ltd have developed new marking method which can mark VIN no. and QR code to the steel for vehicle and the chassis for truck like following experiment data that expense for equipment and maintenance using air-cooling low power Fiber laser marking machine is the lowest.

    We`ve developed and patented new marking method which can be recognized easily after painting by vision system or naked eye nevertheless its marking depth is not deeper.

    Moreover the marking data by new marking method can not be forged and can reduce cycle time of the marking.
    The cause of corrosion that is happened to the surface of marking data at painting inner area is removed after long time period marking.
    No need consumables and installation of it is simple.

    Recognition marking of VIN no. after painting
    Pic. No. Cycle time Cha. size Recognition degree of naked eye after painting
    12sec. 7mmHeight Recognition degree is average but it can be a little difficult recognized when marking depth is irregular or at shadow place.
    * Marking Depth : 0.05mm - 0.07mm
    23sec. 7mmHeight Recognition of naked eye is good
    Recognized of naked eye at any angle is easy nevertheless the depth of painting is different.
    * Marking depth : 0.08mm - 0.12mm
    32sec. 7mmHeight Recognition of naked eye is good
    Recognized of naked eye at any angle is easy nevertheless the depth of painting is different.
    * Marking Depth : 0.08mm - 0.15mm
    23sec. 7mmHeight It can be recognized on 2times deeper surface painting of the vehicle.
    It can be also recognized at shadow place by naked eye.
    QR code marking for recognition use after painting
    Pic. No. Cycle time Size(mm) Recognition degree of vision system after painting
    24sec. 25 x 25 Can be recognized averagely at fixed degree and same brightness
    32sec. 25 x 25 can be recognized well at any degree with normal brightness
    32sec. 25 x 25 can be recognized well at any degree with normal brightness
    32sec. 25 x 25 can be recognized well at any degree with normal brightness
    *No problem to be recognized by naked eye , vision system and mobile application after black paint marking

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